Ideological expressionist artist Nate Stack creates a series of portrait paintings depicting the 'Bone People: Back from the Dead' are arcylic paintings on canvas in a variety of colors. The style begins with more figurative paintings and evolve into the abstract. Bone People', a group of long gone former tenants, now ghosts who haunted his studio until they were brought to life through art. 'The Bone People' so named for the physical display of boney protrusions on their faces and bodies inhabited the artist’s world hiding in the background and waiting to capture the light. Once noticed, these ghostly individuals sought recognition, yet disappeared the moment their portrait was done.
Nate StackBone People ll 36, 201214" x 18"Not for Sale
Nate StackBone People ll 34, 201214" x 18"Not for Sale
Nate StackBone People ll 35, 201214" x 18"Not for Sale
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